Replacement Option

Replacement option is available for RR-Max and Adult programs only.

If you will be absent for a trip and wish to replace yourself the following procedure must be followed.

    a The member must submit this form, no later than 11:00 AM on the Friday prior to the excursion.

    b) You must give your name, the name of the person replacing you and their contact information.

This option is not transferable between programs. Lessons are not available and beginners are not eligible.

There are no refunds for missed trips.

Replacement Form

Missed a day this season? Sign up for one of the make-up days in March!

Make-up dates in the event that you miss or anticipate missing one of the scheduled ski days


Make-up dates

March 22

Mont Blanc

March 30


These make-up dates include LIFT TICKETS ONLY.
There is no bus transportation and no lessons on the make-up days.

* Depending upon which ski day you are replacing there may be a surcharge for make-up days at Mont Tremblant.

If you have not missed any of the scheduled days you are still welcome to purchase tickets at the special price.

EN: Click here to  SIGN UP for one the make-up days.

FR: cliquez ici pour vous INSCRIRE à l'une des journées de rattrapage.