These guidelines exist to ensure the safety and success of every child/teen participating in our programs. We are responsible to create a safe environment. Instructors must exercise good judgement in selecting terrain, appropriate supervision for the lifts, in the parking lot and in the chalets.
Duty of Care: is a legal term implying that when you take a child or group of children into your care you are responsible for their well being. You must act as a careful and prudent parent would as you are the parent in absence.
Class management: All students must be written in on a class card. Full name. Instructors must be able to identify their students by general description (colour of suit, helmet). If a student changes class, they must be crossed off the class card with a note of where they are moved to. The new instructor must write in the details on the new class card. All students have an ID tag affixed to their snow suit which includes their name, medicare information, bus number and bus stop. Inform your students what to do in the event they become separated from the group (return to the class signs/ present themselves to a lift operator/ present themselves to another instructor).
Full supervision: Children who are registered in our full supervision (generally all bussed children who are 10 & under) will be identified on the class card and are required to wear a pinnie over their ski suit. These children must always be accompanied by a Rod Roy staff member, and have been assigned a lunch /free time monitor. Full supervision children must be handed over to their monitor (or a supervisor) at the end of each lesson.
Lessons: Lessons must start and finish at the designated line up area. Students cannot be dismissed until they return to this area. Supervisors must be notified when instructors arrive at the end of the lesson. U-drive children who are 10 & under must be handed over directly to their parents at the end of the lesson, or to a supervisor.
Lift Loading: All children age 8 & under must be accompanied on a chairlift by a competent adult. Load the child on the same side as the lift attendant. Ask the adult to wait with the child at the top of the lift until you arrive. All beginners regardless of age and size must ride the chairlift with a competent adult on day 1.
Terrain: Instructors are responsible to choose the proper terrain for their class. Increasing the difficulty of the terrain before the students are ready will deter their success and decrease their confidence as well as possibly putting them in an unsafe situation. All beginner classes must be approved by the supervisor before they ride the chairlift. Instructors must remain on open designated runs (patrolled). Instructors may not take their classes on any closed trails or those marked marginal conditions. All double black runs are out of bounds. Supervisors must approve classes which can go on black marked runs.
Helmets: Students and instructors are required to wear helmets while in class. Notify your supervisor if one of your students arrives to class without a helmet.
Speed: Most injuries happen when students are moving faster than they should be. Instructors must teach speed control and demonstrate and lead at an appropriate speed.
Terrain park: Rail or air features are strictly out of bounds. Classes must be approved by the supervisor to go into any park.
If an accident occurs: Secure the scene. Ensure the rest of your class is out of harm`s way. Mark the site to alert oncoming traffic. Do not move the injured student. Keep them warm. Do not remove their boots. Send a passerby for the ski patrol and remain at the scene until they arrive. Reassure the injured student as well as the class. Notify another Rod Roy staff member and report the incident to your supervisor.

Mountain Code of Conduct
The Mountain Code of Conduct sets guidelines for happy harmony between all ski area users, and helps reduce the risk of injury. It also applies to snowparks. The term ‟ski” includes any activity connected to a ski area (snowboarding, telemark skiing, etc.)
Rod Roy Code of Conduct
All members of Rod Roy Snow School are expected to abide by the following rules and regulations.