Laurentide Sunday 2025


For questions regarding your lessons please contact: Brahm Reinblatt , [email protected]

For questions regarding the bus or u-drive tickets please contact Cam Roy, [email protected]

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LAURENTIDE - dimanche

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Bus schedule / Horaire d'autobus

If your name does not appear on this list it could be because you chose not to have your name published or there are problems with your registration.

Si votre nom ne figure pas sur cette liste, c'est peut-être parce que vous avez choisi de ne pas publier votre nom ou que votre inscription pose problème.

Please use masking tape and put your child's class # on their helmet.


First Intial

Bus #

Bus Stop

Abou NafehR201Leons (DDO - Dorval) 2222 Pl. Transcanadienne, Dorval, H9P 2N4
AhmadS202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
AnguianoI201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
AntounR201Cote Vertu & Bégin (3838 Blvd Cote-Vertu)
BackalaN202Sherbrooke & Girouard
BenzacarS202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
BenzacarC202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
Bojago-EberenaL202Sherbrooke & Girouard
Bojago-EberenaA202Sherbrooke & Girouard
BorsellinoJ201Laval - Rte 440 & 100e Ave. H7T 2P7 (Esso)
BorsellinoJ201Laval - Rte 440 & 100e Ave. H7T 2P7 (Esso)
BourdonJ201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
BourdonE201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
BrunC201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
BrunH201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
CartierG201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
CartierZ201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
Chabot ChopletT202Sherbrooke & Girouard
ChahrourS201Cote Vertu & Bégin (3838 Blvd Cote-Vertu)
ChehabeddineA202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
ChetritE202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
ChoucairL201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
ChoucairZ201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
ChurchH202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
ChurchE202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
CohenN202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
De MagistrisP202Sherbrooke & Girouard
De MagistrisH202Sherbrooke & Girouard
Deng-LeeV202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
DoN202Sherbrooke & Girouard
DuqueE202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
DurocherM202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
DurocherH202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
EhrlicherH202Sherbrooke & Girouard
FadhiK201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
GampelK201Leons (DDO - Dorval) 2222 Pl. Transcanadienne, Dorval, H9P 2N4
GusmaoF201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
HachadJ202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
HaffarL202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
HaffarM202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
HajjR201Cote Vertu & Bégin (3838 Blvd Cote-Vertu)
Hatzepetros-SnivelyL202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
HollanderA202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
JiangM201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
KimK202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
KleinO201Laval - Rte 440 & 100e Ave. H7T 2P7 (Esso)
KleinI201Laval - Rte 440 & 100e Ave. H7T 2P7 (Esso)
LackG202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
LeeD202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
Lee PetiotO202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
Lee PetiotA202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
LevyM201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
LiuM201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
LyuQ202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
MalcolmR202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
NaipaulF201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
O'ReillyE202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
O'ReillyB202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
ParkS202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
ParkC202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
ProulxE202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
RansomB201Leons (DDO - Dorval) 2222 Pl. Transcanadienne, Dorval, H9P 2N4
ReidG201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
ReidL201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
ReidR201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
RomeoR201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
RoutyM202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
RozhanskyO202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
SabbaghA201Leons (DDO - Dorval) 2222 Pl. Transcanadienne, Dorval, H9P 2N4
SabbaghR201Leons (DDO - Dorval) 2222 Pl. Transcanadienne, Dorval, H9P 2N4
SavaryA202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
SesenK201Cote Vertu & Bégin (3838 Blvd Cote-Vertu)
ShiS202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
SperlichG202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
StotlandS202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
StotlandY202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
TalianoJ201Leons (DDO - Dorval) 2222 Pl. Transcanadienne, Dorval, H9P 2N4
TangP201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
TinkerK202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
UllahL201Leons (DDO - Dorval) 2222 Pl. Transcanadienne, Dorval, H9P 2N4
WuZ202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
YakoobM201Leons (DDO - Dorval) 2222 Pl. Transcanadienne, Dorval, H9P 2N4
YakoobD201Leons (DDO - Dorval) 2222 Pl. Transcanadienne, Dorval, H9P 2N4
YannopoulosS202Westmount City Hall (Cote St-Antoine & Stanton)
YouY202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
YounesJ202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
YuJ201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
ZelomosidisF202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
ZelomosidisI202Decarie & Jean Talon (Toys "R" Us) 7300 Decarie Blvd, H4P 2N1
ZhangA201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
ZhangA201Kirkland - Provigo Parking
ZhangI201Leons (DDO - Dorval) 2222 Pl. Transcanadienne, Dorval, H9P 2N4
